Applicant Guide

Application Process
  • Requests must be made through the web. Requests submitted by other means will not be considered for evaluation. In order to complete and submit the application form, it is necessary to create an account on the official platform with the personal data of at least one of the team members. By confirming the submission of data through the above-mentioned form, the user is accepting PATIO's privacy policy.
    Requests will be submitted in a single online form, including:

Project proposal: divided into 5 sections:

  • Control questions: multiple-choice questions related to where and how they found out about PATIO Campus, privacy policies

  • Contact and legal information
  • Business
  • Strategic fit
  • 'Pitch Deck' template
  • Team

  • Please, before sending the information, consider that:
    • Evaluators will only consider the documentation included in the application form. It is the applicant's responsibility to include all necessary information on the form.
    • Only one proposal can be submitted per applicant. If more than one proposal is identified per applicant, only the first proposal submitted in chronological order will be evaluated.
    • The data provided must be real, true and complete and must allow the evaluation of the proposal.
Introduction to the project/program
  • Description of the program: PATIO is a neutral space that was created with the objective of becoming the meeting point of the innovative ecosystem, connecting corporations, entrepreneurs, public administration and all those agents necessary for innovation to occur.

This acceleration process is an initiative promoted by the founding corporations of PATIO to address their sustainability challenges, focused on 5 shared challenges in the circular economy. The objective is to find and promote solutions that generate a positive impact on the world.

  • Organizers: Call promoted by L'Oréal, INDITEX, BMW, Iberia, Mahou San Miguel, Pascual, Merlin Properties and Cepsa.

Important Dates:

  • Opening of the call: July 4, 2024
  • Submission Deadline: October 10, 2024
  • Notification of pre-finalists: November 7, 2024
  • Pitch Day: November 2024
  • Demo Day: March 2025
Acceleration Benefits: Startup Journey

OPEN CALL July 8 - October 10, 2024

During this period, startups that have solutions to the sustainable challenges of the circular economy can apply for the call by filling out a form with questions hosted on this website: [URL]. In order to complete and submit the application form, it is necessary to create an account on the official platform with the personal data of at least one of the team members.

SELECTION October 10 - November 15, 2024

A panel of experts, the PATIO team and the driving corporations will evaluate each registration based on several criteria, including innovation and sustainability, market potential, capacity to solve the challenges posed by the open call, team strength and scalability.

MEETINGS WITH CORPORATIONS November 15 - November 25

Over the course of these two weeks, each corporation will meet with the startups selected individually, with the objective of better understanding the needs, opportunities and possible collaborations once the acceleration occurs. After these sessions, startups that pass this phase will have access to Pitch Day.

PITCH DAY - Week of November 25
The finalist startups will attend Pitch Day, a face-to-face event in the PATIO Campus space where startups, corporations, academic entities and other organizations will celebrate the opening ceremony of the acceleration process.

PHASE 1 December 2 - December 22, 2024

We identify the specific needs of the startups selected to design a personalized program that builds their growth, while thoroughly understanding the challenges of the corporations behind the program. Startups will also have access to national and international experts and mentors to facilitate connections that enhance their time through the program.

PHASE 2 January 13 - March 10, 2025

During 8 weekly sprints, startups receive specialized training, direct support from C-level profiles, the possibility of accessing investment networks and collaboration with the PATIO ecosystem, and technological or service benefits. In addition, there will be sprints reviews to share the program's progress with the driving corporations.

PHASE 3 March 10 - March 25, 2025

The program culminates with a Demo Day event in which startups will show the progress made during the program and will have access to the PATIO investor network and the driving corporations.

  • Eligibility Criteria:

    All requests must be submitted through the official platform to be eligible and meet these minimum requirements: some text
    • Participating entities must be legally constituted. Products or services developed in the academic field, research centers or similar institutions that meet the rest of the criteria may be accepted in the call.
    • The work team must be composed of at least two people with full-time dedication, and they must also have the capacity to respond to any requirements that may arise. Additionally, the possibility that the team can test the technology in different spaces simultaneously, if necessary, will be evaluated.
    • Candidates must have a scalable and easy-to-implement business model. It must also be designed to generate positive impacts on the environment, the economy and society.
    • Technological solutions must have a maturity level of at least 4, having already been tested in a laboratory environment and ready to be tested in an industrial environment. It will be positively assessed that the proposed solution has intellectual property and has an innovative character, as well as the possibility of cross-cutting between the partners of the call.
    • The project must have both a national and international scope, therefore, candidates must have the ability to communicate and work in both English and Spanish.
    • Finally, the metrics, references and previous experiences of projects in the market or with similar corporations will be positively evaluated.
Strategic Fit

The program will focus on proposals that have the greatest strategic fit with the Founding Corporations and can provide differential value in challenges related to the Circular Economy. Specifically in the following 5 sections:

Waste management and recovery

We face the challenge of efficiently managing waste to reduce environmental impact and maximize the recovery of valuable materials. We are looking for innovative solutions that help optimize logistics and waste exchange between the stakeholders involved in its transformation.

  • Green retail.
  • Recycling of chemicals, organics and textiles.
  • Energy recovery of waste.
  • Valorization of waste and by-products

Sustainable water management

Sustainable water management is crucial to minimize the water footprint and ensure efficient use of this vital resource. We are looking for innovative technologies and methods that facilitate water management, facing increasing regulations and expectations of sustainability.

  • Water recovery, treatment and reuse.
  • Services for concentrated and atomized high demand.

Circular value chain

Integrating circular economy principles throughout the value chain represents a significant challenge. We need solutions that improve traceability and transparency in the use of recycled and sustainable materials, facilitating collaboration between suppliers and partners and promoting sustainable practices at every stage of the production process.

  • Promoting circularity in the value chain.
  • Traceability of waste generated by the use of the product and its valuation.
  • Use of waste raw materials.
  • Use of recycled, biodegradable or compostable materials.
  • Container collection/recovery systems     
  • Second life to glass, aluminum, PET containers

Zero Emissions

The energy transition is an urgent priority to meet global sustainability decarbonization objectives. Companies need innovations that help them implement new processes towards sustainable models and promote innovative solutions for the management of their emissions.

  • Transformation of CO2 into fuels, chemicals or minerals.
  • CO2 capture.
  • Biogas generation.
  • Sustainable aviation fuel generation.
  • Carbon Footprint Measurement and Carbon Credits.

Sustainable and inclusive mobility

Sustainable and inclusive mobility focuses on developing transport systems that are not only environmentally friendly, but are also accessible to all segments of society. We are looking for solutions that implement innovative technologies and methods that promote the expansion of sustainable mobility.

  • Improvement of charging infrastructures and charging systems
  • Processes for maintaining charging points and reusing batteries.
  • Intermodality of transport from start to finish
  • Multimodal loading processes.
  • Friendly and accessible cities
  • New innovative mobility experiences (eVTOL, autonomous taxi...)
  • Collaborative transport and reverse logistics
Evaluation Criteria
  • Eligible proposals will be automatically scored by the evaluation system, obtaining up to 100 percentage points according to the following criteria: some text
    • Team
    • Business
    • Strategic fit
    • Sustainability

A threshold will be established and all requests that have at least the threshold score or higher will proceed to the next evaluation phase.

After pre-scoring, all applications will be evaluated and rated by independent expert evaluators following established criteria. The external evaluation panel will provide a preliminary list of projects shortlisted to participate in the acceleration process. An evaluation committee formed by the PATIO Campus team and the founding corporations will determine if the shortlisted proposals specifically match the purpose of the Circular Economy Program.

General terms and conditions for the provision of acceleration services


The purpose of this document is to establish the terms and conditions that will regulate the provision of the services that are detailed in each description of the Service sent by Patio Campus to the startup/company/legal person (the “Services”), which may be accepted or rejected by the startup/company/legal person.

Each accepted Service Description will individually constitute a contractual relationship between Patio Campus and the startup/company/legal person.

In general, the startup/company/legal company undertakes to:

  1. Respond to each Service Description received, accepting or rejecting the proposal to provide the Services specified therein, within seventy-two (72) hours after its receipt. After this deadline has elapsed without obtaining a response, Patio Campus may reject the proposal.
  1. Assume any expenses you may have to incur for the reception of the Services.
  1. Comply with the Minimum Commitments established in the Service Description, as well as any other instructions or indications received from Patio Campus.

Failure to comply with any of the above obligations will be sufficient reason for the immediate termination of any Service Description, without compensation, and without prejudice to being able to claim compensation for all damages caused.


The Parties will continue to own the industrial and intellectual property rights they had at the time of entering into the Contract.

To the extent necessary for the provision of the Services, the startup/company/legal person grants Patio Campus, free of charge, on a non-exclusive basis, without geographical and temporal limits and with the right to transfer to third parties, the right to use and exploit the content and materials provided for the reception of the Services.


Each party accepts and declares that it considers confidential all information, documentation, methods, organization and activities related to the other party, or to its customers, suppliers or third parties in general, to which they have access and/or that is communicated, provided or supplied by one of the Parties, or by a third party on behalf of one of the Parties, due to the fulfillment of this Agreement (hereinafter, the “Confidential Information”).

For the duration of each Service Description and for a period of five (5) years from the termination of the Service Description for any reason, the Parties undertake to scrupulously respect the duty of secrecy and confidentiality regarding Confidential Information, and to use it solely and exclusively for the purpose of complying with this Agreement.

The disclosure of Confidential Information shall not be understood to constitute an assignment or any right or license, explicit or implicit, to the Receiving Party over any patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, know-how or any other intellectual or industrial property rights that the Disclosing Party currently owns or acquires in connection with the subject matter of the Confidential Information disclosed. The Receiving Party agrees that Confidential Information will continue to be the property of the Disclosing Party.

The Receiving Party is subject to the fulfillment of the following obligations:

  • Follow the instructions set by the Disclosing Party, with regard to the use and treatment of Confidential Information, and you may not use and/or process such information for purposes other than those indicated or informed in advance, express and in writing by the Disclosing Party.
  • Do not use such information for competitive purposes or to obtain any commercial advantage.
  • Do not disclose the existence of Confidential Information, or that such information has been provided to you.
  • Observe and fulfill the duty of secrecy and confidentiality with respect to Confidential Information.
  • Do not transfer, assign or communicate Confidential Information to any third party, except when the Disclosing Party has previously expressed and in writing authorized it. In such a case, such third parties must have been informed, by the Receiving Party, of the confidential nature of the Confidential Information, and have undertaken to keep such confidentiality in accordance with the terms and conditions of this clause, as if they were part of it. The Receiving Party will be responsible for any breach of this clause by any such third party.
  • Return to the Disclosing Party any Confidential Information that, after the termination of this Agreement, may be in its possession, expressly waiving any right to retain or preserve it.

Excepted from the above is Confidential Information that:

  • had been published prior to the date of this Agreement;
  • it is already in the possession of the Receiving Party, at the time of its disclosure, and is not subject to a confidentiality agreement between the Parties;
  • the Receiving Party can document that it has been independently developed by the Receiving Party; or
  • any other that must be revealed in compliance with a judicial or administrative order. In this case, the Receiving Party must notify the Disclosing Party as far in advance as possible so that it can take whatever actions it deems appropriate.


Regarding the processing of your personal data, please note that the information is subject to the terms established in our Privacy Policy. We recommend that you review our Privacy Policy in detail, where you will find information on how we collect, use, protect and share your personal data. Acceptance of these Terms and Conditions also implies acceptance of our Privacy Policy.


  1. Nature of the relationship: This Contract is commercial in nature and the Parties are independent contractors, and there is no employment relationship between them. Neither Party may act as a representative or agent of the other, nor may it carry out any action that implies an appearance of attachment or dependence on the other Party. Each of the Parties shall be solely responsible for the fulfillment of their respective obligations, including, but not limited to, in tax, labor and Social Security matters, and must leave the other party harmless against any claim that may be motivated by non-compliance with these obligations.
  2. Entry into force: The Contract will take effect on the date that Patio Campus receives confirmation of acceptance of the Service Description and its duration will be as established in the Service Description.
  3. No competition. Conflict of Interest: If during the term of the Contract, the startup/company/legal person will receive acceleration services similar to those that constitute the object of the Contract, the startup/company/legal person will inform Patio Campus of this prior to the provision of such services. Likewise, the startup/company/legal person must report to Patio Campus any conflict of interest that, according to the attached Guide as Annex I, may exist or arise during the term of the Contract.
  4. Responsibility: The start-up/company/legal person must leave Patio Campus harmless against any action, demand and/or claim directed against Patio Campus for the breach or violation of any guarantees, statements and obligations assumed by the start-up/company/legal person under this Agreement and that are directly attributable to it.
  5. Assignment: This contract has an “intuiitu personae” character and the legal link, of a commercial nature, created by virtue of this Contract between the Parties may not be transferred totally or partially by the startup/company/legal person to third parties, unless the Parties agree to advance in writing.
  6. Subcontracting: Patio Campus may outsource the provision of the Services covered by this Agreement.
  7. Compliance: The startup/company/legal person undertakes to observe and comply with the Code of Conduct and Good Practices, the *Code of Conduct of the Patio Campus Educational Community and, in general, any other codes and policies on the subject that Patio Campus makes accessible through the web, and must notify Patio Campus of any violation of them through the form accessible at said URL. Failure to comply with this clause may cause termination of the Contract, with immediate effect, and Patio Campus reserves the right to claim any damages (including, but not limited to, economic and reputational) that may result from such a breach.
  8. Non-hiring: The startup/company/legal person is expressly prohibited from making professional offers of any kind to Patio Campus employees and/or to any person with whom they have contact when providing the Services, without informing Patio Campus in advance and in writing.
  9. Notifications: All notifications and communications made by the Parties under the Contract must be made, preferably, by email, effective as soon as they are received. Either Party may change its address by notifying the other party of the new address.
  10. Integrity: This Contract constitutes the entire agreement reached between the Parties in relation to the object of the same, encompassing and thus rescinding any previous agreements that may have been reached between the Parties.
  11. Nullity: The illegality, invalidity or ineffectiveness of any of the clauses of this Agreement will not affect the effectiveness of the rest, provided that the rights and obligations of the Parties are not essentially affected. These clauses must be replaced or integrated with others that, being in accordance with the law, respond to the purpose of the replaced clauses.
  12. Force Majeure: The Parties will not be responsible for any delay or lack of total or partial execution of their obligations when it is due to force majeure, understood as such those that meet the characteristics expressed in article 1,105 of the Civil Code and, in addition, all cases that are beyond the control of the Parties.
  13. Contract and order of precedence: This document, together with the Service Description setting out the Services to be provided, will form the Contract. In the event of a discrepancy between this document and the Service Description, the provisions of the Service Description will prevail.
  14. Language. This document is written in two versions, Spanish and English, and the Spanish version will prevail in the event of a discrepancy.
  15. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction: This Agreement shall be governed and interpreted as established in Spanish law. For the resolution of any discrepancies that may arise in the development and interpretation of this Agreement, the Parties agree, with the express waiver of any jurisdiction that may apply to them, to submit their knowledge to the jurisdiction.
Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights

To the extent necessary for participation in the competition and the evaluation phase, the company that applies grants PATIO Campus a royalty-free license, on a non-exclusive basis, without geographical limitation for the duration of the program, and with the right to transfer to third parties, to use the content and materials provided.


Applicants will be solely responsible for any claims regarding intellectual or industrial property rights that may arise, and are obliged to compensate PATIO Campus, its affiliated companies and/or the customers of any of them for all expenses, damages and losses that may be caused by the violation of the above-mentioned rights.


In addition, and in relation to the purpose of this program, applicants expressly authorize the recording, capture and use of their images so that they can be exploited by Patio Campus, and in particular, their reproduction and public communication through the Internet.

Applicants are expressly prohibited from using and/or exploiting, in any way and on any medium (their own and/or that of third parties), the logos, brands and/or distinctive signs of both Patio Campus and the founding corporations, unless authorized in writing, is obtained from the owner of the distinctive signs.

Data Protection

PATIO Campus, with address at Plaza Ruiz Picasso 11. 28020 Madrid (Spain) is the sole owner of the data received through the application form.

Applicants are informed and accept that the personal data provided will be processed for the purpose of managing the prior evaluation and, where appropriate, the professional relationship derived from the provision of acceleration services, and such data may be shared with third parties involved in the different phases of this program, solely and exclusively for the indicated purpose.

The rights provided for in current legislation on privacy are recognized, which may be exercised by sending a communication to the above address.

For more information, visit our Privacy Policy at

Annex I: Guide to conflicts of interest PATIO Campus

A conflict of interest generally refers to a situation in which the impartiality and objectivity of a decision, opinion or recommendation of a person involved in an evaluation/service/decision process is or can be perceived as being compromised by a personal interest maintained or entrusted to a given individual.

The relevant personal interest may be financial or non-financial in nature and may refer to a personal or family relationship or professional affiliations and other relevant outside activities.

The concept of conflict of interest must be broadly understood and encompasses economic interests, political or national affinity, family or emotional ties, any other shared interest and any other situation that affects or may affect impartiality. In particular, it should be understood as:

  1. family and personal relationships.
  2. personal links that link the recipient of the Services (or their employee, shareholder, member of management and supervisory bodies, board member, manager, subcontractor, etc.) with the person involved (the conflict of interest also persists after the termination of the above-mentioned relationship);
  3. any ownership relationship (such as stock ownership, joint venture, equity, joint interest, silent partner) between the recipient of the Services and the person involved;
  4. the existence of material relationships, especially financial relationships (such as the receipt by an involved person of the recipient of the Services of any benefit: significant donations, donations, future employment or contract, etc.);
  5. employment or collaboration relationship or civil contract existing between the person involved and the recipient of the Services.
  6. remain in a legal or de facto relationship that may give rise to justified doubts as to the Professional's impartiality;

At the company level, conflict of interest basically refers to ownership of shares, financial and economic connections (such as exclusive licenses or sales agreements, with regard to products or solutions covered by services).

The reasons stated above may result in a conflict of interest if they occur at the time of the action or have occurred in the past (in the 2 years before the start of the action) or may occur in the future, if they influence decision-making. Time limits don't apply to family and personal relationships.

The following situations will automatically be considered as a conflict of interest:

  • Is a director, trustee or partner or is involved in any way in the administration of the recipient of the Services (or a related third party or a third party involved in the action);
  • You are employed or hired by the recipient of the Services (or related third parties, named subcontractors, or other third parties involved in the action);
  • You have close family ties or other close personal relationship with the recipient of the Services;
  • You have (or have had) a relationship of professional rivalry or hostility with the recipient of the Services.
Annex II: PATIO Campus Code of Conduct

1. Preamble
The Board of Directors of the Patio Campus Association (hereinafter the “Association”) has considered it appropriate to voluntarily and freely assume the spirit and philosophy that have inspired the various recommendations and principles issued to date aimed at promoting good practices both in non-profit entities in general and, at the level of the European Union in particular.

For this reason, the Board of Directors has prepared this Code of Conduct, which aims to establish the principles of action with regard to the conduct of its members and participants.

This Code is established as the core that identifies the standard of good conduct that the Association wants to observe in the development of all its activities. In this way, it reflects the Association's public commitment to this set of values and principles, especially those relating to ethics, social responsibility and environmental protection.

This Code, which was approved by the Board of Directors of the Association on November 30, 2023, is of complementary application, and develops the provisions of the Articles of Association and the Internal Regime Regulations of the Association.

The Association's Code of Conduct will apply to all members and participants of the Association, as well as to suppliers and collaborators with whom it carries out its activities, although it is not a substitute for the legal rules that apply in each case, nor for the obligations that have been validly assumed in each specific case through contract or contractual agreement.

2. Recipients
This Code of Conduct is aimed at public or private individuals and entities that are direct recipients of the activities and/or services carried out by the Association in the development of their social activity.

First of all, the members, administrators, managers, and workers of the Association are addressed, who must adjust their conduct to the principles and values promoted in this Code.

In addition, customers, suppliers, advisors and other individuals or entities that relate to the Association will be considered recipients of the Code. And finally, those people or entities that, even if they do not have a direct relationship with the
Association, who wish to know and participate in the activity of the Association, will be informed and considered as recipients.
All the persons and entities mentioned as recipients will be correctly informed by the Association so that they can have full knowledge of this Code, which they must accept and comply with in the aspects that each of them has to do with it
it corresponds to them.

3. Principles and values of good behavior
The principles and values that will govern the good practices of the Association, and to which it is committed to complying with and disseminating at the highest level, are the following:

1) Compliance with current legislation. The Association establishes as a basic and essential principle the continuous compliance with the legislation in force and applicable to each specific area and sector of action, in the development of its social activity, committing itself to pursuing and correcting any possible violation of the law, facilitating its full collaboration with the Justice at all times.

In all its relations with entities, bodies, authorities or public representatives, the Association is committed to acting in a respectful manner, in full collaboration with the authorities, and in accordance with current regulations.

The Association is especially committed to strict compliance with Law 10/2010, of 28 April, on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing. To this end, in accordance with the principles of this Code, its recipients and the Association shall refrain from promoting, facilitating or participating in any type of money laundering operation, and shall proceed to denounce any possible action contrary to the said law.

Any questions that may arise regarding the interpretation and application of current legislation in relation to any issue that may directly or indirectly affect the Association, will be consulted with the Board of Directors.

2) Transparency, integrity and objectivity in the development of social activity. Conflict of interest.

In order to carry out the aims of the Association, the most convenient alternative to the social interests of the Association will always be sought, avoiding any situation that may generate conflicts of interest within the framework of collaboration with different public or private entities.

Standards of transparency and integrity will be pursued at all times in relations with members, employees, collaborators and suppliers, all of whom are committed to providing clear and accurate information at all times about the services or resources used, avoiding the use of dishonest or unfair practices.

The members of the Board of Directors, employees or managers of the Association, regardless of their position, may not accept gifts, services, cash or other payments to any person or entity that may affect their objectivity or influence a business, professional or administrative relationship

The recipients of this Code will never use the information they know as a result of their relationship with the Association, for their own purposes and to obtain a personal economic advantage, avoiding in any case providing or disclosing confidential information to third parties so that they can obtain that advantage.

When one of the recipients of this Code of Conduct is in a situation of conflict of interest, they must inform the Association as soon as possible, prior to making a decision that could harm the interests and purposes of the Association.

3) Adequate resource management.
The Association shall at all times strive to manage the resources available to it in the most efficient manner, avoiding superfluous expenses that are not related to the aims and interests pursued by the Association.

Any fundraising activity carried out by the Association shall comply with the legal framework, as well as with the ethical principles established in this Code.
In this way, and following the principle of non-profit, the Association and the recipients of this Code will refrain from using the resources and means of the Association for personal purposes, directly or indirectly, ensuring at all times the integrity of the Association's assets.

4) Good coexistence and equality.
The recipients of this Code must be treated with respect, promoting a comfortable, healthy and safe work environment, and refraining from engaging in any conduct that is offensive or that involves any type of discrimination on the basis of race, religious, political or trade union ideas, sexual orientation, nationality, language, sex, marital status, age or disability.

5) Environmental protection.
In order to fulfill the aims of the Association, the recipients are committed to respecting and protecting the environment, promoting the use of sustainable means and resources, and trying to implement environmental management systems as far as possible.

6) Confidentiality and information protection.
In compliance with Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and the guarantee of digital rights, and the regulations that may apply, the Association and the recipients of this Code are committed to the appropriate use of all information of customers, collaborators and suppliers, and of all documentation to which they may have access, with special importance of personal information.

To this end, the recipients of this Code must know and comply with the applicable regulations in this area, and they assume a strict commitment to
confidentiality, and non-disclosure of secrets and confidential information.

In this regard, they are also committed to the protection of information considered confidential.

4. Enforcement and Compliance
The Secretary of the Association, by delegation of the Board of Directors, will be responsible for disseminating the content of the Code of Conduct, publishing it on its channels for accessing information, and facilitating its dissemination to all possible recipients.

Any known violation or breach of this Code must be reported as soon as possible to the President or Secretary of the Board of Directors, who will study each specific case of violation of this Code, and will assess the processing of the information received, ensuring, in any case, its confidential treatment, for the purpose of its adequate treatment by the Association.

The Association will not admit any type of retaliation against those employees, members, or collaborators who report in good faith alleged breaches of this Code, and those breaches that constitute a violation of current legislation will be sanctioned in accordance with current legislation, without prejudice to other responsibilities that may arise and any sanctions that may be imposed by the Board of Directors, in accordance with the Statutes and the Internal Regime Regulations.

5. Update and modification
The Board of Directors is committed to promoting the updating of this Code in order to ensure its adaptation to the circumstances of the Association and to the regulations in force at all times, reviewing its content annually.

If you have any questions, go to the page of Frequently Asked Questions

Or write to us at